Graphical Method

Table of Contents

Polygon Method



  1. Draw the first vector with the proper length and orientation.
  2. Draw the second vector with the proper length and orientation originating from the head of the first vector.
  3. The resultant vector is the vector originating at the tail of the first vector and terminating at the head of the second vector.
  4. Measure the length and orientation angle of the resultant.

Parallelogram Method



  1. Draw both vectors with proper length and orientation originating from the same point.
  2. Complete a parallelogram using the two vectors as two of the sides.
  3. Draw the resultant vector as the diagonal originating from the tails.
  4. Measure the length and angle of the resultant vector.


Date: August 16, 2023

Author: Paul Gerald D. Pare

Emacs 29.1 (Org mode 9.6.6)